for Choral Art

14 September 2024,  10:00-17:00  & networking-aperitif

Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche Zürich (Zelthof, near Stadelhofen) 

Get to know composers and choirmasters singing together!

Switzerland has a very long, wide-ranging and highly-vital choral tradition. 

There is much going on in this field - be it concerts, new compositions, festivals, competitions and much more. 

With the Symposium for Choral Art, the SFEC offers you - as a professional or ambitious player in the Swiss choral world - a new platform to obtain an overview regularly, get to know each other, be inspired, exchange ideas and actively participate in the scene.

The declared aim: new contacts, discoveries and valuable input for your everyday artistic life!

Sign up and spend a day with colleagues discovering the music of Frank Martin, other composers as well as familiar and new choral conductors. 

It also depends on you: Tell us who else we and your colleagues should discover!

The symposium is primarily aimed at professional and ambitious choral conductors and composers. As an interested singer and audience, you are of course also welcome.

Programme 1. SFEC Symposium for Choral Art

10:00 Welcome

10:15 FRANK MARTIN explanatory concert – Prof. Alain Corbellari & Zürcher Sing-Akademie (ZSA), conducted by Florian Helgath

The new book "Anthologie chorale Frank Martin" (Musikverlag Henry Labatiaz) and the accompanying CD (CLAVES) recorded by the ZSA will then be presented for the first time. 

 12:00 Lunch together

13:30 4 contemporary composers will each be introduced by a choirmaster:
VALENTIN VILLARD (Renaud Bouvier),
PETER APPENZELLER (Cyrille Nanchen),
AURELIEN HALLOPEAU (Fruzsina Szuromi),
JULIA SCHWARTZ (Andrea Fischer)
for everyone to sing along

various old or unknown composers will be introduced by participants. Your suggestions are invited as to which composers and choirmasters should be discovered!

17:00 Aperitif

optional afterwards

19:00 Concert by the Zürcher Sing-Akademie with CD-Vernissage: "Frank Martin - L’homme et sa musique"

at ZKO-Haus, Seefeldstrasse 305, 8008 Zürich 

When registering for the symposium, you can order tickets at a special price including a new CD: CHF 45 (CHF 25 reduced). Seating is free. However, extra seats will be reserved for symposium participants. 6 p.m. door opening, concert introduction 6.15 p.m., hall opening 6.40 p.m


Musicologist and literary scholar, professor of French medieval literature

Neuchâtel / Lausanne

Conductor: Florian Helgath, conductor and choral conducting lecturer at the Cologne University of Music and Dance

Cologne/ Zurich

Composer - among others of the last wine festival 2019 in Vevey

Pont-la-Ville (Fribourg)

Choir and orchestra conductor of the "Academie Vocale de Suisse Romande", among others 


Composer, choirmaster and music teacher

Graubünden / Zurich

freischaffende Chorleiter im internationalen Raum

Valais/ Amsterdam

Picture © Olivier Maire

Composer and engineer in aerodynamics

Paris / Lausanne

Choirmaster, pianist and specialist in the Kodály method

Hungary / Lausanne

Picture @Raffay Zsófi

Singer, composer & choir conductor

USA / Frauenfeld

Bild © Arthur Häberli

Choir conductor and school musician


Repetiteur, choirmaster and honorary member of the SFEC


Picture © Fabian Schneider

Programme manager of the 1st Symposium for Choral Art (Board SFEC)

Romandie / Zurich

Picture © Benno Hunziker

Prices (incl. lunch, aperitif & childcare)

100 CHF normal price / 80 CHF reduced (SFEC members & full-time students up to 27 years & J+M accreditation)

Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like an invoice for bank transfer or whether you would like to pay directly here with Twint:  To pay by Twint


We would like everyone wishing to participate to be able to do so. We therefore offer childcare in the same building by a trained childminder on request. This also applies during the aperitif so that you can chat to your colleagues in peace.

You can specify your childcare requirements in detail on the registration form. We will endeavour to make the day exciting and relaxed for you and your child.

Location and contact

Evang.-methodistische Kirche Zelthof
Promenadengasse 4, 8001 Zürich

If you have any questions, please contact Katrin Kolo at our office.


Website design and content:

Schweizerische Föderation Europa Cantat, Katrin Kolo

8000 Zürich


Photo: Fabian Schneider/SFEC-Masterclass 2024 with Florian Helgath, consonus & Zürcher Sing-Akademie